24th International exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies - UzFood 2025

8 - 10 April 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Food production will be launched in Uzbekistan together with foreign brands

In Uzbekistan, it is planned to launch the production of some food products in cooperation with international brands, reports a Podrobno.uz correspondent.

The President announced this at a meeting today, having analyzed last year’s dynamics of trade in raw materials, supplies and finished products in the food and leather industries.

It turned out that in 2023, despite the high potential for filling the domestic market with food products using available resources, in the Surkhandarya region the volume of processed food products decreased by 16%, in Andijan - by 21%, in Jizzakh - by 3%.

For example, the volume of pasta production in Karakalpakstan, Khorezm, Navoi and Samarkand does not even cover half of the region’s needs.

Officials were instructed, together with regional khokims, to establish the production of 25 types of food products, introduce international standards at these enterprises with the involvement of qualified technologies and marketers from abroad, and also explore the possibility of producing a number of items in cooperation with international brands.

The Cabinet of Ministers has been entrusted with developing a program for the development of the food industry in the regions.
