24th International exhibition on Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies - UzFood 2025

8 - 10 April 2025, Uzexpocentre NEC / Tashkent, Uzbekistan


From raw to finished products—everything at the UzFood 2025 exhibition.

The 24th International Exhibition “Food, Ingredients and Food Technologies - UzFood 2025” will be held in Tashkent on 8-10 April 2025 in all pavilions of the Uzexpocentre NEC.

The food industry plays a key role in Uzbekistan's economy: food accounts for about 15% of the manufacturing industry. In recent years, production, processing, modernisation of enterprises, and exports have been actively developing, with a special focus on providing the population with high-quality and safe products.

The UzFood exhibition is rightly considered a key industry event in Uzbekistan, covering the entire spectrum of the food industry—from finished products to advanced technologies and equipment. It is here that the latest samples of equipment and technologies are demonstrated, and for foreign participants it is an opportunity to get acquainted with the rapidly growing and spacious market of Uzbekistan.

Over 400 companies and brands from 25 countries have already confirmed their participation in UzFood 2025. The participation of the national pavilion of Germany has been confirmed, companies from Russia and the Republic of Belarus will have collective stands, and companies from China and India will participate broadly.

The exhibition will feature the following main sections: Meat and Poultry; Dairy Products; Confectionery; Bakery; Beverages; Food Ingredients; Food Processing Equipment.

The specialised ‘Packaging, Equipment, and Materials - O`ZuPACK 2025' section will present packaging, filling and bottling equipment, as well as ready-made packaging, containers, labels and disposable tableware.

The specialised Bakery Uzbekistan section will show the entire production cycle of confectionery and bakery products.

An important part of the exhibition is its business programme - a unique, specialised platform ‘Retail Centre’, unparalleled in Uzbekistan, which traditionally holds direct negotiations between food suppliers and buyers.

To visit the exhibition, please register online at https://bit.ly/UF_ru_reg

Join the main event of the food industry and open new business opportunities!

The event is organised by Iteca Exhibitions and its partner ICA Eurasia Group.

For more information, please contact:
Tel: + (998 71) 205 14 14
Email: uzfood@iteca.uz
Exhibition website: www.uzfoodexpo.uz